We got some sad news this weekend.
My son informed us that he doesn't want to be over here. At least not as often. So after a long talk we all decided that we would cut the visits in half :( And I can't say that I blame him.
You see, he gets away with a lot more at his dad's house. And so our place has become somewhat of a drag. At his dad's he can play video games all day (rated M games), stay up all night, watch bad TV shows, and he doesn't have to go to church. One Saturday morning at 11 I called him... and was informed that he had JUST woken up. What?!?!? At 11? It was then explained to me that he was up until 1 am because over there he can sleep in front of the TV in the living room on weekends and watch all kinds of late night TV.
Well isn't that just super....
We aren't very happy with this, but every weekend we had him we were just spending way to much time getting into battles because we expect him to follow the rules of our house. Usually by Saturday night he has been whipped back into shape, he says he is sorry and he loves us and the rest of the weekend he is a normal sweet little boy again; and the remnants of his dad's house are stripped away. I mean, I bet he is way different here then over there. But by the next Friday, we are at square one again.
So if he wants to hang out there and see his "friends", we aren't going to force the issue. He really had like NO friends here. The bummer part is that now that he actually agrees and likes to go to church (He HATED it before and would throw fits because his dad didn't want him to go), he was about to make friends. Irony...
You know that little post I made venting about how I hate when people can be insulting about my religion and the stereotypes? Well imagine getting insulting by the deciding Riverside County Court attorney in the child support court office... Fun.
You see, while waiting to be called in, I sat there praying that we would get to meet with one of the few happy guys I had seen all morning. You know, someone having a good day and would be willing to listen and not have a biased opinion. Well instead I got a sarcastic, 2 pack a day smoker, who hates her job and has mommy issues. Oh but.... Wade (my ex) and her just joked it up while I sat there and they talked about coffee and getting a nicotine fix.
**just breath**
The trip wasn't all that bad; I mean, we did get the child support lowered a little. But I was basically accused of being a dead beat parent because I want to (as they put it) "stay home and play mommy"! And "Just because I want to have a large family, and I choose to have more children doesn't mean that I can't just not work". And "There is no reason for me to stay home with my children and not work regardless if the money gained would be the same either way".
The idea of a woman staying home to raise a family while her husband works is just not heard of. It was also joked that we "ride around on horses and pull carts" here in Arizona.
And yes, I am quoting verbatim.
What ever.......
We are ready for the baby!!!!
Here are pics for ya...
Yes we painted the room and got what else we needed and we are ready to rock and roll!
Well, we are still missing a dresser and some wall art,but it will be arriving in a week or two.
So now half of our house is all painted and decorated, and looking good. Now we just need to work on the other half. Which on one income.... could take awhile.
On another note, our new years resolution is going great! At least the spiritual ones...
We have been to church every weekend, doing family home evenings, paying tithing, I cooked dinner for some ward members and Scott got his home teaching assignments!
Go us!
So there you have it folks. All the happenings of the Williams family for the last few weeks. I will hopefully be posting more now that the waters are beginning to settle.
Consider yourself "in the loop"